

Contact Information
Phone: (510) 314-8201
Fax: (510) 225-3848

1580 Lincoln St., Suite 1105
Denver, CO 80203

• State Bar of California
• State Bar of Colorado
• State Bar of Oregon


Kevin is a founding partner of Keyes & Fox and has over 20 years of experience in clean energy transactions and climate policy and regulation. He has negotiated Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) for over 7 GW of renewable and renewable-plus-storage projects, including wind, solar, biomass, hydro, and geothermal projects. Kevin has also negotiated energy storage tolling agreements for over 3 GW of stand-alone storage resources. He has significant experience with commercially reasonable and best-in-class terms, usage of trade, course of dealing or performance, standards and practice, and other relevant terms, provisions, and terminology used within the context of renewable PPAs, energy storage tolling agreements, non-disclosure agreements, exclusivity agreements, estoppels, letters of credit, parent guarantees, and consents to collateral assignment. In 2011, California’s Daily Journal, a legal publication, named Mr. Fox as one of California’s 25 leading clean technology attorneys.

Representative Work

  • Successfully represented numerous buyers of wholesale power in contract negotiations for over 7 GW of renewable and renewable-plus-storage projects and over 3 GW of stand-alone storage resources.
  • Represented clients in achieving regulatory policy goals and objectives before public utility commissions in over a dozen states and before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  • Assisted developers of renewable energy projects in California with obtaining regulatory approval of wholesale power purchase agreements with California investor-owned utilities.
  • Advised wholesale market participants with regulatory compliance matters before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, including obtaining qualifying facility certification, market-based rate tariffs, approvals of mergers and acquisitions, and approvals to sell of generating facility assets.
  • Successfully represented numerous sellers of wholesale power in contract negotiations and in responding to requests for proposals.
  • Represented a California publicly owned utility in drafting requests for proposals for wholesale energy purchases and in drafting and negotiating power purchase agreements.
  • Represented Pacific Northwest investor-owned utilities with regulatory compliance matters before state public utility commissions.
  • Drafted interconnection agreements and procedures for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to assist utilities in interconnecting distributed generation.
  • Provided consulting services to state public utility commissions regarding the design of renewable energy policies to support distributed generation.
  • Education

    Mr. Fox received a J.D. with a certificate in Environmental Law from the University of California, Berkeley and a B.S. from the University of California, Davis, where he focused on energy policy analysis and planning and graduated with highest honors.

    Professional Honors and Activities

    • Named as one of California’s 25 Leading Clean Tech Lawyers, Daily Journal (March 16, 2011)


    • Solar Power International, (Orlando, FL, September 2012)
    • ANEEL, Net Metering in the United States (Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 2011)
    • Brookings Institution, The Role of Distributed Power Systems in the U.S. Electricity Sector (Washington, D.C., October 2011)
    • Sandia National Laboratory, Utility Wind Integration Group, Hawaii Interconnection Standards & Procedures (Maui, Hawaii, October 2011)
    • U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technology Program, Solar Boot Camp, Basics Interconnection Policies (Atlanta, GA, August 2011)
    • California Governor’s Distributed Generation Conference, Interconnection Panel (Los Angeles, CA, July 2011)
    • EUCI Utility Scale PV Conference, Updates on State Policy: The Next Big Market (Los Angeles, CA, January 2011)
    • Solar Power International, Introduction to Third Party Ownership (Los Angeles, CA, October 2010)
    • University of San Francisco School of Law, Clean Technology Symposium, Key Issues in Distributed Generation: Regulatory Incentives and Authority (San Francisco, CA, October 2010)
    • Law Seminars International, New FERC Ruling on State Feed-in Tariffs (Tele-briefing, August 2010)
    • National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Opportunities and Barriers to Greater Penetration of Distributed Renewable Generation Technologies (Sacramento, CA, June 2010)
    • U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technology Program, Solar Boot Camp, Basics of Net Metering and Interconnection Policies (Golden, CO, June 2010)
    • American Solar Energy Society, Annual Conference, 2 panels: 1) Wholesale Market Design for Solar PV, and 2) Net Metering (Phoenix, AZ, May 2010)
    • U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technology Program, Solar America Cities, Community Solar panel (Salt Lake City, UT, April 2010)


    • National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Updating Small Generator Interconnection Procedures for New Market Conditions” (December 2012)
    • Solar America Board of Codes and Standards, “Sustainable, Multi-Segment Market Design for Distributed Solar Photovoltaics” (November 2010)
    • Electricity and Natural Gas Journal, “Developing Opportunities to Expand Opportunities in Community Solar” (June 2010)
    • American Solar Energy Society, Solar Today, “Community Solar: Getting the Policies Right” (March 2010)
    • Solar America Board of Codes and Standards, “Comparison of the Four Leading Small Generator Interconnection Procedures” (October 2008)
    • American Solar Energy Society, Annual Conference Proceedings, “Options for Selling Solar Distributed Generation to an Interconnected Utility in California” (May 2008)